Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A comment to Mayor Bloomberg and Jim Carey

The pathetic delusion that the cowardly self-righteous possess is beyond mind-boggling.  Take Jim Carey, an insecure, irrelevant, needy and somewhat mentally unsound "actor".  Add to him his fellow-traveler, Mayor Bloomberg of NYC, a neo-fascist Bourgeois megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur.

Neither has the fortitude to take on real problems.  Both have the need to feel good about themselves since both are imbued with pathological insecurity.  So what do they do?  They make a point to go after the 'gun nuts': Those legal gun owners whose right to have a firearm causes both "men" to seethe with envy.  In other words, how dare these little people have the right to self-determination, personal responsibility and individual freedom. 

Jim Carey's sickness is partially understandable given that he is an insipid Canadian liberal with all the depth of a cat's saucer of cream. Instead of debating an issue that he advocates, he stoops to calling people who disagree with him, "motherf...kers."  I wonder; did he ever f...k his mother and/or does he kiss his children with that mouth.  But that is what is to be expected from low IQ and a limited vocabulary; please do not be surprised.

Now the hubris of Bloomberg, on the other hand, is one where wealth, anger, and insecurity go hand in hand to spawn a rare conceit in an otherwise little man.  I believe it has to do with the fact that Michael Bloomberg is quite literally, a little man.  It's all about compensation.  You see, real men carry their own damn guns and don't need a bodyguard.

Thus to conclude, I will offer advice to both in the hopes that they will attain greater happiness and develop some self-worth: 

Jim Carey:  Learn proper English and fearlessly stand up to criticize gang bangers and gangstas who perpetuate real gun violence on a daily basis.  And try not to emulate and glorify them on screen.
Michael Bloomberg:  Get a life, mind your own damn business, and visit to the Bahamas more often.  PLEASE!

To both:  For God's sake you two, grow a pair, and then target real criminals if you need to feel good about yourself!



  1. In 2010, gun homicides claimed the lives of 11,000 people, and gun suicides killed 19,000. In the same year, 600 people were injured as a result of gun accidents.

    But in 2009, about 2.3 million people were treated in emergency rooms as a result of injury in motor vehicle crashes. In 2010, there were 33,000 deaths due to motor vehicle crashes, 33,000 due to poisoning, and 25,000 due to falls.

    Despite the huge health threat from motor vehicle operation, household poisons, and ladders, I haven't heard of any movements to regulate them, beyond the measures already in place. The main efforts to deal with the problems are educational -- teaching people how to safely operate cars, to handle poisons, and to use ladders. Seems like any danger inherent in legal firearms ought to be handled in the same way, through education! Meanwhile, everything possible should be done to crack down on ILLEGAL guns.

    1. Sorry that I haven't replied to you. I appreciate your feedback. I think the education should begin with those whose blind opposition is rooted in sheer emotion. That and too many Hollywood movies.
