Thursday, February 5, 2015

Creative Hibernation

You heard me.

It's winter. Let's admit it. All most of us want to do is curl up under the covers with our favorite steaming beverage-- and a steamier body beside us to cuddle. I certainly do. And with the limited chances to stray outside and enjoy nature (for you urban dwellers), it comes to pass that indoor pursuits are a priority for spare time amusements. Am I right?

What about me, you ask? Well, I love winter. The more severe, the better. I know that sounds sadistic and insane, but ask me why.

Okay, I'll tell you. I, like my colleagues in the arts, take this cabin fever afflicted opportunity to flex creative muscle. Plainly, I write and I paint. Well, I write more than I paint. I have no garden to tend, I limit my walks to de-iced foot paths (something non-existent around here; everything is icy), and the hunting season is over. Not much point in venturing out-of-doors, so I stay within the confines of my cozy woodland home and I tickle the keys of my laptop, bringing to life those machinations of my romantic imagination.

There's something about gazing out the window at a stark winter moonscape--watching the swirling wind whipped snow, the denuded trees, and best, hearing haunting wind howling through the forest--ooh, that gets my prolific author on!

So until spring sets its combative sights on this dormant season of hibernation and quiet, I shall happily take the time to write, to breath life into my characters so that I my fall in love with them.

Ah, yes. Winter is good.

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